Here’s your chance to unleash your creativity and show off your personal style with our signature logo.

How to Participate:

  1. Use either the provided stencil of our logo or download the PSD file (for Photoshop users) to create your design. You can color it by hand, use a computer, or mix both methods—get as creative as you like!
  2. Once your masterpiece is complete, please scan your design into PDF format (if you designed by hand). Or upload the completed PSD file. Use this link to submit your design!

Important Reminder: DO NOT take a picture of your design; it must be scanned for submission if you create it by hand.

We can’t wait to see the incredible designs that you come up with! 

The winners will receive a fitted t-shirt of their design along with a $50 Milwaukee Sports and Social Gift Card!

By submitting your design, you are granting Milwaukee Sports and Social the right to use your design in future promotional materials, including but not limited to, digital advertisements, t-shirts, and email marketing. You understand that the images of players wearing your design may also be utilized in future Milwaukee Sports and Social advertisements and promotions. Furthermore, by submitting your design, you accept that your design immediately becomes the property of Milwaukee Sports and Social and that you will not receive any financial compensation beyond the outlined Grand Prize.

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