FAQ: Game Dates

Thank you for your interest in our leagues!

All game dates are posted on the registration page in the body of the page.

To find out which dates your preferred league will play on, follow these steps:

1. Select a league from our list of currently available leagues.

2. When on the registration page of your preferred league, scroll down until you find the bulleted text containing the list of game dates:


Unless noted on the league page, all games will occur on the same day of the week. Weekday leagues will begin weekly between 6:00pm-6:30pm. Weekend leagues run at various times. Please read the additional information on the league's page to learn about specific game times.

Please email customerservice@milwaukeesportsandsocial.com with any additional questions or concerns regarding game times.

PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to make specific scheduling accommodations for players or full teams.